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Showing posts with the label glow in the dark

The Dark Web: What Lies Beneath the Surface?

Have you ever wondered what lies beyond everyday google searches? Think of an iceberg, now what you see is just a tiny portion displayed of what's really out there. This is exactly how internet follows the iceberg model, divided into layers, each more cryptic and hidden than the last one. Welcome to the Dark Web, a place of intrigue, anonymity, and a lot of myths and mysteries. But, what actually lies behind the surface? This blog's will navigate you through the Dark Web's most curious corners and the surprising truths behind its shadowy veil. (Source: Forbes) Internet Levels 101: The Secret Layers Beneath Google To understand the Dark Web, you must understand the three layers of the internet: Image Source: "Surface Web, Dark Web, Deep Web" infographic. Retrieved from Data Science Society . The Surface web: This part of internet covers anything searchable in traditional browsers. This layer includes public websites accessible to all like Google and Bing. Examples...