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Showing posts from December, 2024

Unit 731: The Horrors of Japan's Secret Biological Warfare Program

Image Source: Wikiwand/Wikimedia Commons I've been surrounded with people who are even afraid of seeing animals getting tested or experimented at a lab. Now just imagine if I tell you that there was literally a cruelest 'Unit' or a 'Lab' where humans were experimented. Alive. To hear about human beings used for medical experiments have been a common knowledge for more than seven decades of the liberation of hundreds ghastly concentration camps and the awful reality of Nazi racism. But far less known is the cruel and clear wholesale slaughter of thousands of Chinese by a Japanese organization known as Unit 731 .  The Birth of a Nightmare: What Was Unit 731? Established for the purpose of developing biological and chemical weapons, Unit 731 was an infamous for its human experimentation Japan’s covert biological warfare program during the 1930s.  Officially, it was called the "Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department." In reality, it was a biolog...

Top 10 Netflix Hits Inspired by True Stories

Yesterday I was watching one of my favorite Web Series ''Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story'' and I just had one question in my mind, is it a true story? Not sometimes but most of the times when I watch Netflix shows, I want them to have happened in real-life, to relate to them to some point, or just to imagine the possibilities of the story to being a real-life event. Well to clear the cloud of my first statement, 'Dahmer' is a real story that inspired the Netflix hit. But the count just doesn't stop there, countless of real-life stories have inspired Netflix Hits. These films and series are more than just entertainment—they're powerful reflections of reality. Lurking Stories presents you Top 10 Netflix hits, inspired by true events, that you absolutely need to watch. To dive deeper, don’t miss our detailed blog on [ INDIA’S MOST NOTORIOUS SERIAL KILLERS: CHILLING CRIMES UNVEILED ] 1. When They See Us (IMDB rating:-8.9/10) How does an innocent t...

Top 6 Mysterious Disappearances in Asia

Mysterious disappearances floors me when I think of a fathom that how can someone could just vanish someday or, alternatively, how a criminal could so deftly remove someone from the outside world (or maybe in this world, in many cases). History never failed to surprise me but what left me scratching my head was that how these missing personalities were ''missed'' obv, but also never found, and if never found then where did they go? Like I also discussed about The disappearance of the flight MH370 in one of my blogs, click here to know in detail about the flight MH370. There is a lot to discover in the world but there is a lot more that is yet not discovered, so to discover that only, Lurking Stories presents you a list of Top 6 Mysterious Disappearances in Asia that will have you questioning what you thought you knew about this diverse continent. From strange disappearances in modern times to ancient enigmas that have left people scratching their heads, this region doe...

Top 10 Myths About the Dark Web You Should Stop Believing

Do you believe everything you see online? Well if you do then you must know that everything on internet is not a fact but a mere misconception or a myth, for this list we will be looking at various popular misconceptions and urban legends about the dark web in this blog. The dark web has long been a source of fascination, intrigue, and fear. Popularized by movies, media, and rumors, it’s often portrayed as a lawless digital underworld. But how much of what we believe about the dark web is actually true? Lurking Stories counts down the Top 10 myths about the dark web you still believe. Want to know about Dark Web in detail? Click here to read The Dark Web: What Lies Beneath the Surface? Top 10 Myths You Believe About the Dark Web #10: The Dark Web is Illegal The ''Dark Web'', often associated with a sinister reputation, is not inherently sinister. In movies and film, the dark web is often discussed in hushed voices and shadow alleyways, as if you can get arrested by mer...